On April 20, 2024, the legendary Rockfest took place at the Ottakringer Brewery. DEF CRÜE rocked...
All Storys
Def Crue rocked SiMM City on December 15, 2023.
On Friday, December 15, 2023, SiMM CITY in Vienna Simmering had the honor of welcoming the...
DEF CRUE-Rock’n’Roll works even during Advent!
It's time! As announced on Facebook, DEF CRÜE will release a Christmas rock song every Advent...
Rehearsal Space – Making of…
Our Rehearsal Space Every band knows the problem: where should we practice? Currently, there...
Rebel HeART-Festival, one awesome gig!
Def Crüe - Rock 'n' Fuckin' Roll at the Rebel HeART Festival in Traiskirchen! Def Crüe, the...
20 Years MOHAWK MC AUSTRIA in Gerhaus
Def Crüe - A Hard Rock Storm at MOHAWK MC AUSTRIA in Gerhaus! Def Crüe, the unwavering preachers...
Radio 88.6 Rocktogether- Record!
Def Crüe - A Hard Rock Firestorm at Radio 88.6 Rocktogether Record! After Radio 88.6 already...
A Night full of Bad Ass Rock’n’Roll!!
Def Crüe, the missionaries of Bad Ass Rock 'n' Roll, once again graced the ((SZENE)) on March 17,...